Julia Corbett is an artist from the PNW, now living in Southern California. She works through photography as her medium and infusing dreamlike visions into art. Channeling extra sensory perception, and connecting deeply to the sensory experience, she creates with her body and the landscape with both film and digital tools.

Creating relationship to spaces in nature, through ceremony, ritual, and the physical body are part of her process to deepen connection and conversation with nature.

The resulting photographic images have a dreamy, uniquely expressive and felt quality to them, utilizing color, light and form to evoke response.

Julia has been a photographer and writer since her teen years, and has developed her craft with self portraiture over the last seven years.

Julia is inspired by wild landscapes, the connection of the heart to the land and creating relationship to these natural places is part of the healing process she shares with clients. Individuals drop into a photo session surrounded by nature, beginning with drinking the medicine of cacao and then flowing into the photography of self in nature. There is a connection cultivated with the elements, with feeling deeply into the body, touching the skin to the earth and opening to what wants to flow through.

Reach out to Julia ~ alchemygoddess@gmail.com

Stay inspired, stay free.

Open landscapes, textures in the sky and skin to the earth. This is the medicine to heal our fractured reality.